You can make the Gallery Help button in your Backlight Client Response albums “stick” to the top of the gallery by adding it to the top-pallet widget container. This way, when your client scrolls down the page the Gallery Help button will always be available. First of all, be sure to enable the Gallery Help […]
Remove share buttons in your Backlight albums
UPDATE: Backlight 4 now has a setting to remove all of the social sharing icons. However, if you don’t want them all removed you’ll still need to use the custom css solution. If you choose the “slideshow” presentation for your Backlight albums, you’ll see a “picture” icon in the upper right-hand area of the large […]
Creating and Styling Backlight Popup boxes
Note: the pop-up box below was initially used in Pangolin-based pages. It also works in Kookaburra-based pages. There is updated code however, introduced in Kookaburra. That code can be found in the Kookaburra documentation here. The newer code also works in Pangolin-based pages. Backlight popup boxes are useful critters. Your visitor clicks on a […]
Custom Footer in Backlight
This is a fairly straightforward use of phplugins but it requires some html to provide the structure for the footer as well as some custom css to style the social media icons. These icons are links to my social media sites, but you can just as easily use code for social sharing. For the html, […]
Style your Backlight contact form success message
You may have noticed that the success message you see after sending an email from a Backlight contact form has a blue background. There is nowhere in the Backlight Designer to change this, but with a teeny, weeny bit of css you can style it to match your site’s color scheme. Just add this to […]
Toggling your Client Response Legend
NOTE: In Backlight 2 and 3, there is now a Gallery Help button that will open a pop-up box. Below applies only to Backlight 1 I recently got a question about hiding a Client Response legend that’s been placed in the page copy of a Backlight album. It’s really pretty easy to do with […]
Some css “recipes” for your Backlight site
Here are just a few css tweaks you can use for your Backlight site. Just add to your custom css file. Note: Originally written for Backlight 1.1, some of the below have been updated for Backlight 1.2 and have been noted as such. Image border and shadows Center footer text Add borders around thumbnails Center […]
Align text on TTG pages
Learn how to change alignment of text on your TTG pages.
Center thumbnails under the Galleria slide show
Learn how to center thumbnails under the Galleria slide show using just a little bit of css.