Did you ever want to add formatting to your captions in either or both thumbnails and large image captions? Take, for example, adding scientific names to photos of plants or animals like the Atlantic puffin – Fratercula arctica. The way I’ll do this with TTG galleries is to add the html tag <em> to the […]
The TTG CE4 Cart is a pretty versatile beast. You can use it to sell just about anything you want from prints, to books, to spaces at a workshop. But setting up your products and pricing and shipping takes a bit of getting used to when you first start using the cart. The idea is […]
In case you’ve been wondering about how to employ dynamic mastheads in CE4 based sites, wonder no more. First, what’s a dynamic masthead? It’s a masthead that will adjust to the size of the browser width so that it looks good no matter the device. If you use a graphic logo for your masthead, when […]
The new TTG CE4 line of plugins now support sidebars. You can place the sidebar left or right and control the width of the main content area. And just like the main page copy area, you can use whatever text you might have set up in your Publisher gallery template. I think I may try […]
I’ve been spending a little time testing the new TTG CE4 plugins. Many of you will be happy to hear that you can now incorporate text that you’ve included in Publisher gallery templates into your albums. This means if you have some standard text you always use, you now have three options: don’t include it […]
(Note: this was written back in the CE days when the css for the responsive grid was different than it is for Backlight. Since the Backlight, and thus the Backlight WordPress theme, no longer contains that css, the responsive grids below aren’t working. I’ll have to dig up the old css and add it to […]
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This site is: a repository of time-savers and best practices from a user's perspective, picked up from several years of using TTG plugins. This site is not: a support site.
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Current TTG versions
Backlight 4 & 5
See the Backlight Modules page on your site for latest Backlight and module versions and changelogs.
You’ll also find the latest version number and download link for the Lightroom Publisher plugin.
(BL 3 and later)