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About this site

This site is: a repository of time-savers and best practices from a user's perspective, picked up from several years of using TTG plugins.
This site is not: a support site.
Read more here.

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Highly recommended. This is my go-to Lightroom book. Click on the book image. (affiliate link)

Affiliate link!

Current TTG versions

Backlight  4 & 5

See the Backlight Modules page on your site for latest Backlight and module versions and changelogs.

You’ll also find the latest version number and download link for the Lightroom Publisher plugin.
(BL 3 and later)


Backlight 1 Versions

Backlight 1.2.4
Pages module 1.2.4
Cart Add-on 4.1.7
Client Response Add-on 7.1.3
Theater Add-on 1.2.6
Galleria Add-on 1.0.0
WordPress Add-on 1.2.6
Publisher 3.2.3

Backlight 1 has seen its end of life. See this post.

CE4 Versions

note: CE4 is no longer being developed or sold. See this post.

TTG-BE: 2.0.5a
Autoindex: 7.0.8
Cart: 3.1.4a
CRG: 6.1.3a
Gallery: 6.1.10
Pages: 7.0.15
Publisher: 2.3.3
Stage: 6.1.6
Theme for WordPress: 3.1.2