The new TTG CE4 line of plugins now support sidebars. You can place the sidebar left or right and control the width of the main content area. And just like the main page copy area, you can use whatever text you might have set up in your Publisher gallery template. I think I may try […]
TTG CE4 sneak peak
I’ve been spending a little time testing the new TTG CE4 plugins. Many of you will be happy to hear that you can now incorporate text that you’ve included in Publisher gallery templates into your albums. This means if you have some standard text you always use, you now have three options: don’t include it […]
Combating contact form email spam
Unfortunately, the basic form-to-email form included with Pages, Stage, and CRG doesn’t have any options for combating email spam. The option used to be to upgrade to Form-to-email’s Pro version. They used to sell this for $29. With it you could enable Captcha (though I wasn’t able to get that to work on the first […]
Centering your mobile menu icon
![centered mobile menu icon](
Here’s a quick tip for those wanting to center their collapsed menu icon on mobile devices. When using mobile devices, your navigation menu collapses to a mobile friendly size and an icon with three horizontal lines appear on the left side of where your navigation once was. Click on this icon and the mobile navigation […]
Styling individual pages in TTG Pages with custom css using the page ID
TTG Pages creates six pages that serve as the basis of your web site. It creates Home, Galleries, Services, About, Info, and Contact pages. If you know anything about html, you probably know that the visible part of the page is contained within the <body> tag; the page your viewers see starts with the opening […]
Offering different sized digital downloads in TTG Cart
Want to offer more than one size of digital download for purchase? Here’s how.
Using the Responsive Grid Framework
(Note: this was written back in the CE days when the css for the responsive grid was different than it is for Backlight. Since the Backlight, and thus the Backlight WordPress theme, no longer contains that css, the responsive grids below aren’t working. I’ll have to dig up the old css and add it to […]
Custom CSS: using the inspector to probe css selectors
![color: black; has been added to the rule](
If you want to make changes to your site with custom css, learn to use the Inspector developer tool.
Mixed up about Mixed Pricing?
Use the Mixed Pricing feature to individualize image prices