* - encompasses nothing; use to insert content into the * * ttg_header_top * - if return=false, the contents of the normal Backlight header are skipped * - called immediately within the header section * - encompasses the full contents of the header section; can be used to replace those contents * * ttg_header_bottom * - return value ignored * - called last in the header section * - encompasses nothing; use to insert content at the end of the header section * * ttg_masthead_top * - if return=false, normal Backlight masthead is skipped * - called immediately before the masthead element * - fully encompasses the masthead; can be used to replace it * * ttg_masthead_bottom * - return value ignored * - called immediately after the masthead * - encompasses nothing; use to insert content after the masthead * * ttg_navigation * - if return=false, normal Backlight navigation is skipped * - navigation is separate from the header section, so not affected by the above ttg_header... hooks. * - encompasses the navigation